Our Sunnyvale staff stepped out of the office and into the summer sun to embark on a site tour of a ground-up SC Builders project, Lawrence Station. Within an expected time frame of 18 months, this Santa Clara site will evolve into a 5-story office space of 173,000 square feet.
The office visitors and site leads discussed project progress and Field Safety Supervisor Max Thomas ran through SC Builders’ safety training presentation – the same presentation that all new crew members receive their first day on the job site. Finally, the team adorned their safety vests and fastened their hard hats to head out to the field site.
Just around the corner of the office space will be a five-story parking garage with 917 vehicle capacity. Field crews are hard at work installing the 35,000-pound columns. With a road vehicle weight limit of 40,000 pounds, the 403 columns, beams, and decks required to finish the parking structure’s frame must be transported to the site one by one. That’s a total of 13 trucks per day for 31 days!
It’s always nice to take a break from the behind the scenes work at the office to see its physical manifestation. The SC Builders office staff couldn’t be prouder of all the efforts the site leaders, labor crews, and subcontractors have put into this Lawrence Station project to ensure it’s completed safely and on time. All aspects of this project truly embody what it means to be Strong, Smart, Unique, and Positive!

Project Rendering