Chris “Carsh” Carcia has been with SC Builders almost since the beginning, joining the team in 2001. He’s committed to success and progression: “What motivates me is waking up each day and being better than I was the day before. Doing it right even if no one knows the difference.”
“What I love about construction is that if someone needs something to live in, or work in, or they need to cross over something, or around something, or through something, I can build it.” We certainly want Chris in our zombie apocalypse survivor camp!
Some of his favorite SC projects include work for Sony Interactive Entertainment (PlayStation) HQ office TI and sound design studios in both San Mateo and Los Angeles, as well as the offices for game developer Naughty Dog in Santa Monica.
I’m proud of SC Builders because as a company we are the utmost professionals, and we care about the product we put out. Leadership will go the extra mile, no matter what: they care about the big picture. We do the right thing every time.
How do you and your role make an impact at SC Builders?
Experience should be passed to individuals who listen, absorb, test, change, and do it better the next time. I will share my experiences with anyone who promises me that they will do that. If they do, I know that I will have an everlasting impact at SC Builders.
What characteristics should every leader possess?
Patience, respect, and understanding
What’s distinctive about the culture at SC Builders?
Camaraderie and commitment. Everyone has each other’s back—no matter the time, place, or difficulty involved.
Why have you chosen to stay and grow your career with SC Builders?
I stay because of the everyday challenges. Big or small, challenges arise and need to be addressed. When I fail, I learn and move forward. The feeling I get when I am successful is a driving force for the next challenge.
Quick Q&A
Hobbies – Camping, travel, snowboarding, hiking, drinking craft beer
Recent accomplishment – Understanding Eureka Math, aka Common Core
Dream vacation – My first vacation after I retire
First car – 1956 Chevy Wagon, two-tone
Would rather be doing – Surfing perfect waves in 75 degree water, off shore breeze, no sharks—only dolphins
First job – Sweeping driveways
Favorite tradition – Crabbing with family when we visit Sequim, WA
First album you bought – Either Ozzy Osborne Live or AC/DC High Voltage
Work theme song – Eye of the Tiger by Survivor