Jordan is 7 years into the construction industry with SC Builders and is looking forward to many more. “I am excited for every day, as each project is different—the building, the site, the team, the use—and these differences bring new challenges,” she says. She thrives on the opportunities to overcome these challenges and bring with her new experiences and expertise that she can wield toward future success.
What year did you join SC Builders?
Late August 2015, I started with SCB at 21 years old, fresh out of college (Architectural Engineering degree, not Construction Management)
What was your first big project with SC Builders?
(Provide as much detail as you can.)
When I started with SCB, I joined Cesar (and others no longer with SCB) out at Apple SD01 on Stewart drive down the street from the office. Although I wasn’t a big part of the project, I really got to see how it was done! I want to say it was a $20,000,000 or so job, 75,000 SF so not huge. It was a short schedule, but it was fast-moving! We were running 2 shifts per day, 7 days per week. There were lots of chambers, lots of rooftop coordination with new rooftop equipment and a new roof screen, and lots of permits!

What projects are you currently working on?
Mostly working with the Qualcomm team. I worked on building F and we are getting close to wrapping up building B. Separately, I have also been wrapping up revised permits, building finals, and day 2 scopes out at the Bowman School Terman campus.
Why do you think people join and stay at SC Builders? Why do you stay?
It’s the people. I remember when I interviewed with SCB being sold by the people. And sure enough, my instincts were right! The people are what keep me here still! I love working with good people who are also great at what they do! Work is so much more fun when you get to work with people you like and get along with as coworkers AND as people (if that makes sense?).
What do you love about construction?
In my profession and in my personal life, I am a creator. I love projects (it drives my husband nuts!)—starting with a concept and bringing it to life is my favorite pass time. It starts out as a personal challenge—I am presented with something new, something that I know nothing about. Before you know it, I am the expert! Personally, it’s an investment every time, and every time I pride myself on bringing forth the best possible end result. All the while, I am constantly learning something new and bringing those lessons learned to the table for the next one, forever battling myself, to do it better next time.

What does great leadership mean to you?
It is easy to critique failure, but a great leader recognizes accomplishment.
What motivates you?
I am self-motivated. I am a competitive person—even with myself, and I am always trying to beat my own personal record. I am motivated with each new project to do more, faster, better, and more cost-efficiently than I have in the past.
How have your mentors influenced your life?
Interestingly, my mentors in the industry have influenced my personal life as much as they have my professional life. By becoming a trusted source for industry-related information, my mentors have become good friends in the workplace and in my personal life. They have taught me the importance of a good work-life balance both at work and at home. At work, I have learned to have fun and enjoy my time at the work while still meeting and exceeding expectations in the workplace. Furthermore, I have learned to recognize and respect that my coworkers are people outside of work—people with other priorities—families, friends, pets, hobbies, etc.—and the more that we take interest in our coworkers and their lives outside of the work place, the more that we can all enjoy our time together on the jobsite.

Quick Q&A
Why did you choose the construction industry?
— Engineering was boring! All the action is in construction!
If you could be on a TV show, which one would you pick?
— MTV’s The Challenge.
If you could have a superpower, which would you choose?
— Adoptive Muscle Memory (Monica from the TV series Heroes)
Most interesting class you took in school?
— History of Structures. It was a history of structural engineering concepts and feats.
Go-to karaoke song?
— Goodbye Earl by the Dixie Chicks
Best concert you attended?
— Willie Nelson & Kacey Musgraves at Mountain Winery
Favorite tradition?
— Taking the kids through the neighborhood in the bike trailer to look at Christmas lights after dinner almost every day in December.
What’s your team in professional sports?
— Green Bay Packers
First album you bought?
— American Idiot by Green Day. I would play through the album with my drumsticks on the dashboard of my mom’s Mazda every time we got in the car.
First job?
— Field Engineer Intern at PCL Industrial Services in Bakersfield.
First car?
— Ford F-150